Lusting after a shorter style isn't worth it when even the slightest hint of rain Be warned though that thick, curly hair is difficult to tame into a short style and will look its best with a shoulder length cut. There IS a short hairstyle to suit everyone, it's all about finding the right cut for your face shape. Well, ladies, fear not. The fact is that while many of us would love to be as brave as Emma Watson and try out a shorter 'do, we are just too scared that it wont suit us.

Tidy it up a bit and get rid of the split ends". Yet when the appointment rolls around, we get in the chair we mumble, "Oh, just the usual please. We've all felt this way at some point, having had one bad hair day too many we find ourselves booking an appointment with our hairdresser in a bid to get our troublesome long locks cut off once and for all. Announcing her new hairstyle on Facebook, Emma told fans that she has been dying to cut off her hair for years and found the whole experience completely liberating.

Yes, now that filming on the final installment of the Harry Potter films has finished, Miss Watson has moved away from wild, untamable curls sported by her character Hermione Granger and reinvented herself with this gorgeous Twiggy-esque look. In a shock move that nobody saw coming, last week Emma Watson became the latest celebrity to go for the chop, restyling her hair into an elfin crop.