This change isn’t just for those summer blondes!! You brunettes and redheads are in for some changes as well. Now before any of you go running screaming “No!” let me tell you how easy it is to transition into your new fall hair color. Think of this change as richening up your current look, your hair color, to reflect the changes in clothing and the physical changes in the seasons.

Amber or soft beige shades of fall haircolors
For blondes, this means adding a few lowlights into your hair. You honey blondes can have lowlights that are beautiful shades of amber gold or soft golden-beige shades. While you bright pale blondes can do more subtle lowlights of beige or champagne blonde. All of these lowlights when done correctly, will simply add much needed dimension into your beautiful blonde hair and actually “naturalize” it.

Sandra Bullock stunning lowlights
Brunettes, your changes for fall hair colors allow you for even more hairstyles. You can add stunning lowlights of rich cinnamon or chocolate. For you more adventurous brunettes exotic pieces of deep copper reds or rich burgundies can definitely add some beautiful depth and much needed spice to an otherwise normal hair color.

A combination of cool and warm lowlights
And last but certainly not least, my favorite, all you redheads. The sky is the limit as far as fall hair color changes go. For the more timid, those beautiful shades of cinnamon and russet brown will help keep your red in check. But for those of you that are more courageous, try alluring shades of cherry red, deep copper, rich burgundies or luxurious plum hair colors. To figure out which of these would look best with you red, remember to not do too dark from the all over hair color that you currently have and choose hair colors that you like as a basis for your hair color pallet.
It is important to understand that these lowlights need to be done with a demi-permanent hair colors, like Redken’s Shades EQ
. These types of hair colors will gradually fade out of the hair (and fade out on tone), so when the season changes again you are not stuck with what you did for the previous one. After all nobody wants fall hair in the spring!